Our calculator is using this mathematics formula
((Depth / 12) X Length X Width) / 27 =
(( 3 / 12) X 50 X 2 ) / 27 = 0.925 Cubic yards
For our customers convenience, the next 3 links give you the option of using others calculators
Material Needed Calculator (Circle) from calculatorpro.com
Material Needed Calculator (Triangle) from calculatorpro.com
Various Volume Calculators from University of Regina
This following list shows total weight in pounds / cubic yard of material.
(#1) Product average weight can vary significantly due to many different factors.
Products | weight in pounds |
Various mulch | = 300-400 lbs |
Black lava rock | = 1200-1300 lbs |
Red shale | = 1700-1800 lbs |
Topsoil | = 2000-2300 lbs |
Clay | = 2300-2500 lbs |
Sands | = 2400-2500 lbs |
Summerstone | = 2600-2800 lbs |
Limestone | = 2600-2800 lbs |
Road crush | = 2700-3000 lbs |
1 pallet (70 rolls) | = 2600-2800 lbs |